2024 Euro Masters Regatta Munich


We will be there for you at the 2024 Euro Masters Regatta Munich from July 23 – 28. In addition to boats and sculls/straps, we offer you a repair and spare parts service. You will find us in the Rowing Workshop Arena in front of Block A.

We look forward to seeing you at the regatta soon and wish you every success on the water!

Hire boats for training

Training time Rental price (depending on boat class)
Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm 71,40 € – 476,00 €
Thursday from 6 to 8 o’clock 71,40 € – 476,00 €
Thursday from 7 to 9 pm 71,40 € – 476,00 €
Friday from 6 to 8 a.m. 71,40 € – 476,00 €
Friday from 7 to 9 pm 71,40 € – 476,00 €
Saturday from 6 to 8 a.m. 71,40 € – 476,00 €
Saturday from 7 to 9 pm 71,40 € – 476,00 €
Sunday from 6 to 8 a.m. 71,40 € – 476,00 €

Loan per race:

The boat and sculls/straps are ready for collection 60 minutes before your race. You can adjust the shoe size, cleat height and stem board in our adjustment area. 30 minutes after your start time we expect the boat and accessories back without damage.

Click on the desired race number to start the ordering process:

Race number Rental price
101MM/W 2x AA-A 119,00 €
102 MM 4- G 238,00 €
103 MW 8+ C 476,00 €
104 MM 4- C 238,00 €
105 MW 1x F 71,40 €
106 MLW 1x F 71,40 €
107 MM 2x F 119,00 €
108 MW 1x I-M 71,40 €
109 MLW 1x I-M 71,40 €
110 MW 4+ AA-A 238,00 €
111 MM 4x I 238,00 €
112 MM 2- AA-A 119,00 €
113 MW 4- D 238,00 €
114 MM 1x D 71,40 €
115 MLM 1x D 71,40 €
116 MW 4x G 238,00 €
117 MM 8+ G 238,00 €
118 MW 2- B 119,00 €
119 MM 4+ I-M 119,00 €
120 MM 2x B 119,00 €
121 MW 4x E 238,00 €
122 MM 2- E 119,00 €
123 MM 1x H 71,40 €
124 MLM 1x H 71,40 €
125 MW 2x H 119,00 €
126 MM 4x C 238,00 €
127 MM 4- F 238,00 €
128 MW 1x C 71,40 €
129 MLW 1x C 71,40 €
130 MW 4+ F 238,00 €
131 MM 4- AA-A 238,00 €
132 MW 2x A 119,00 €
133 MM 8+ D 476,00 €
134 MW 4+ D 238,00 €
135 MM 4x G 238,00 €
136 MM 2x J-M 119,00 €
137 MW 4- B 238,00 €
138 MM 4+ B 238,00 €
139 MW 2- E 119,00 €
140 MM 4x E 238,00 €
141 MM 2- H 119,00 €
142 MW 8+ G-M 476,00 €
143 MW 4+ C 238,00 €
144 MM 1x A 71,40 €
145 MLM 1x A 71,40 €
146 MM 1x AA 71,40 €
147 MLM 1x AA 71,40 €
148 MW 4x B 238,00 €
149 MM 2x D 119,00 €
150 MM/W 2x F 119,00 €

Loan per race:

The boat and sculls/straps are ready for collection 60 minutes before your race. You can adjust the shoe size, cleat height and stem board in our adjustment area. 30 minutes after your start time we expect the boat and accessories back without damage.

Click on the desired race number to start the ordering process:

Race number Rental price
201MW 2x AA 119,00 €
202MM/W 2x E 119,00 €
203MM 1x I 71,40 €
204MLM 1x I 71,40 €
205MW 2- C 119,00 €
206MM 2x A 119,00 €
207MW 4x F 238,00 €
208MM 4+ D 238,00 €
209MW 2x I-M 119,00 €
210MM 2- G 119,00 €
211MW 4- AA-A 238,00 €
212MM 4x B 238,00 €
213MW 8+ D 476,00 €
214MM 1x E 71,40 €
215MLM1x E 71,40 €
216MM 4- H 238,00 €
217MW 4- F 238,00 €
218MW 2x G 119,00 €
219MM 8+ C 476,00 €
220MW 4+ B 238,00 €
221MM 4x F 238,00 €
222MW 2x E 119,00 €
223MM 2- I-M 119,00 €
224MW 1x H 71,40 €
225MLW 1x H 71,40 €
226MM 4+ AA-A 238,00 €
227MM 2- D 119,00 €
228MW 4x C 238,00 €
229MM 2x G 119,00 €
230MW 2- F 119,00 €
231MM 4x J-M 238,00 €
232MM 4- B 238,00 €
233MW 8+ AA-A 476,00 €
234MW 1x D 71,40 €
235MLW 1x D 71,40 €
236MM 4- E 238,00 €
237MW 4+ G-M 238,00 €
238MW 2x B 119,00 €
239MM 4+ H 238,00 €
240MM 1x C 71,40 €
241MLM 1x C 71,40 €
242MW 4- E 238,00 €
243MM 8+ F 476,00 €
244MM 8+ B 476,00 €
245MW 2- G-M 119,00 €
246MM 8+ I-M11 476,00 €

Loan per race:

The boat and sculls/straps are ready for collection 60 minutes before your race. You can adjust the shoe size, cleat height and stem board in our adjustment area. 30 minutes after your start time we expect the boat and accessories back without damage.

Click on the desired race number to start the ordering process:

Race number Rental price
301MM/W 2x D 119,00 €
302MM 2x AA 119,00 €
303MM/W 2x B 119,00 €
304MM/W 2x H-M 119,00 €
305MW 8+ E 476,00 €
306MM 1x F 71,40 €
307MLM 1x F 71,40 €
308MM 2- C 119,00 €
309MW 2x D 119,00 €
310MM 4x D 238,00 €
311MW 4- C 238,00 €
312MM 4+ G 238,00 €
313MM 1x J 71,40 €
314MLM 1x J 71,40 €
315MW 2x F 119,00 €
316MW 4x H-M 238,00 €
317MM 1x B 71,40 €
318MLM 1x B 71,40 €
319MM 8+ E 476,00 €
320MW 2- AA-A 119,00 €
321MM4x H 238,00 €
322MM 2x C 119,00 €
323MW 2- D 119,00 €
324MM 4+ F 238,00 €
325MW 1x G 71,40 €
326MLW 1x G 71,40 €
327MM 4- I-M 238,00 €
328MW 8+ B 476,00 €
329MM 4x AA-A 238,00 €
330MW 1x E 71,40 €
331MLW 1x E 71,40 €
332MM 4- D 238,00 €
333MW 2x C 119,00 €
334MM 1x G 71,40’€
335MLM1x G 71,40 €
336MW 8+ F 476,00 €
337MM 2x I 119,00 €
338MW 4x AA-A 238,00 €
339MM 2- B 119,00 €
340MM 2x E 119,00 €
341MW 4x D 238,00 €
342MW 4- G-M 238,00 €
343MM 8+ H 476,00 €
344MM 4+ C 238,00 €
345MW 1x B 71,40 €
346MLW 1x B 71,40 €
347MM 2- F 119,00 €
348MW 4+ E 238,00 €
349MM 1x K-M 71,40 €
350MLM 1x K-M 71,40 €
351MM 8+ AA-A 476,00 €
352MM 2x H 119,00 €
353MM 4+ E 238,00 €
354MW 1x A 71,40 €
355MLW 1x A 71,40 €
356MW 1x AA 71,40 €
357MLW 1x AA 71,40 €
358MM/W 2x C 119,00 €
359MM(W 2x G 119,00 €

Loan per race:

The boat and sculls/straps are ready for collection 60 minutes before your race. You can adjust the shoe size, cleat height and stem board in our adjustment area. 30 minutes after your start time we expect the boat and accessories back without damage.

Click on the desired race number to start the ordering process:

Race number Rental price
401MM/W 4x G 238,00 €
402MM/W 8+ B 476,00 €
403MM/W 4x H-M 238,00 €
404MM/W 8+ C 476,00 €
405MM/W 4x AA-A 238,00 €
406MM/W 8+ D 476,00 €
407MM/W 4x B 238,00 €
408MM/W 8+ E 476,00 €
409MM/W 4x C 238,00 €
410MM/W 8+ F 476,00 €
411MM/W 4+ D 238,00 €
412MM/W 8+ G 476,00 €
413MM/W 4x E 238,00 €
414MM/W 8+ H-M 476,00 €
415MM/W 4x F 238,00 €
416MM/W 8+ AA-A 476,00 €

Rent boats exclusively for a whole day

The booked boat is at your disposal for a whole day with personal advice. Please note the training times of the organizer. We are happy to assist you with all technical questions and help you customize your boat equipment. Select the desired boat class:
Boat class Total price
Filippi 1x Single (Skulls) 297,50 €
Filippi 2x double scull 571,20 €
Filippi 2- Coxless pairs 571,20 €
Filippi 4x double four 1059,10 €
Filippi 4- coxless fours 1059,10 €
Filippi 4+ fours with coxswain 1059,10 €
Filippi 8+ Eight with helmsman 1142,20 €

Rent boats exclusively for the entire regatta

The booked boat is at your disposal with personal advice for the entire regatta. Please note the training times of the organizer. We are happy to assist you with all technical questions and help you customize your boat equipment. Select the desired boat class:
Boat class Total price
Filippi 1x Single (Skulls) 714,00 €
Filippi 2x double scull 1.190,00 €
Filippi 2- Coxless pairs 1.190,00 €
Filippi 4x double four 1.547,00 €
Filippi 4- coxless fours 1.547,00 €
Filippi 4+ fours with coxswain 1.547,00 €
Filippi 8+ Eight with helmsman 2.142,00 €